A downloadable project

A cooperative seesaw shooter in which ye 'n yer matey must protect yer collective booty from pesky landlubbers!


Steven Pasinsky (Producer)

Craig Nash (Producer)

Jacob Liddle (Engineer)

Revanth Ponna (Engineer)

Skylar Hu (Engineer)

Anastasiia Murza (Artist)

Briton Flynn (Artist)

Ruiyi Zheng (Artist)

Hongyi Bai (Tech Artist)

Qinglan Li (Tech Artist)

Vincent Huang (Tech Artist)

Zhexuan Zou (Tech Artist)

Manas Dhanait (Designer)

Benjamin Miller (Designer)

Arjun Shivakumar (User Research)

Nicolas Cicalese (Music Editing)

Original Music, mixed for gameplay loop: The Buccaneer's Haul by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com


BackOffMeBootyGoldBuild.zip 564 MB
ArduinoNanoCode.zip 924 bytes
ArduinoCode.zip 1.1 kB

Install instructions

To run Back Off Me Booty:

You'll need two monitors. Set the resolution of each monitor to 1920x1080 and set the scale to 100%. If you have only one monitor, the game will still work, but the viewport may be squashed.

Download the build. To launch the game, run "BackOffMeBooty.exe".

To play without a seesaw:

Use the A and D keys to rotate left and right, and use Q and E to fire the left and right cannons.

To play with a seesaw:

Attach an Arduino with a built-in IMU (we used an Arduino Nano 33 IoT) to your seesaw, with two buttons. One button should be wired to pin 8 and the other to pin 9, with both buttons also being wired to ground. These buttons can be placed on either end of the seesaw to control the cannons.

Download the file "ArduinoNanoCode.zip" and upload the code in the file "ArduinoNanoCode.ino" to the Arduino. 

With the Arduino plugged into the computer, launch the game. 

The game should automatically connect to the Arduino and begin reading inputs. If the Arduino does not connect, make sure that there are no other devices connected to the COM port. This can be done by going to Device Manager->Ports (COM & LPT)->Uninstall device (for all undesired connected devices).

If the tilting is reversed, the easiest solution is to reverse the orientation of the board. 

Alternatively, an Arduino with an MPU-6050 wired to it can also be used. The VCC pin on the MPU-6050 should be wired to the 3.3V power output on the Arduino, GND should be wired to ground, and SCL and SDA should be wired to the matching pins on the Arduino. The buttons should be connected in the same way as the Nano.

To use this board, download "ArduinoCode.zip" and upload the code in the file "ArduinoCode.ino" to the Arduino. We used an Arduino Mega 2560 for this version.

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